Any man that can created a 23 (24?) chapter epic like Trapped In The Closet is obviously a genius. However, he is also a paedophile ("alleged", I don't need a lawsuit) & freakin bonkers. Remember the McDonalds drive thru incident? The Pied Piper mask? (Need I remind you, the Pied Piper was followed around by kids?)
This dude is crazy, why is he not in jail yet? I'll tell you why. Because everytime we get mad at him, he makes an amazing jam and we forget.
*Finishes typing & goes off to listen to "Ignition (remix)*
upon thinkin bout that
its actually true
first time round
it was ignition that he releasd
an no 1 botherd him for a while
then there was da trappd in the closet
and now
well thats pure stupidity right there
Real talk
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