SO, the Transporter was on last night & this, of course, is the theme to it. I forgot how good it is:
Knoc-Turn'al - Muzik It's been a good week. I had rehearsals for Glastonbury & bumped into Mr. Hudson's manager. Turns out we used to work in the same studio. We swapped details & we're gonna sort something out soon. There's also a possibility that I'll be working on a track with Dizzee. It's early days, but I'll keep you posted.
I'm in the final stages of signing with a manager & agent as well, so things are looking up.
Finally, mark this date in your calander: October 12th. Fingers crossed that everything goes to plan, cos if so, this will be the release date of my album. 2 videos have been shot so far, a third is on the way. I'm doing loads of interviews for magazines & blogs to promote it in the coming months & I will be touring as well.
...It's finally all happening! Exciting times. I'll talk more about it when I'm back, but for now, I'm off to Glastonbury!
Peace :)