Anyone who knows me, knows my two favourite things in the whole world are: Michael Jackson & action figures. So how sweet would it be, if someone made a Michael Jackson action figure?
This Hot Toys created beauty features: - over 38 points of articulation. - Trademarked single sequined white glove - Sequined black coat - White socks with black shoes - Black hat - Microphone - Microphone stand - Three sets of interchangeable hands - 12 inches figure stand with Michael Jackson nameplate
& as if that wasn't enough-there's also a line of mini figures!!
:) Bring on December.
P.S. Go buy the new Greatest Hits Box set on Monday
Ghetto is an artist you really want to blow, but it's 99% likely he won't. I mean, how do you market someone called Ghetto?
It's always been a shame, because he is without doubt, one the most skilled lyricists in the game today. He's come close a few times (working with Kano on Home Sweet Home & The Streets on the Prangin' Out remix), but has yet to blow.
If he keeps churning out tunes like this though, he might just surprise us.
I haven't done this in ages, cos nothing much has caught attention enough, However, these thangs right hurr are dope:
I haven't felt much of the singles chart recently (except Ladyhawke, of course), but this is banging. You know Goldie always comes through. Support some real good music & cop this from her site or iTunes.
Tasmin Egerton
Just look at her.
Little Boots Little Boots kicks ass for numerous reasons. A few being: she sings, produces, plays various incredible instruments (including the Stylophone) & she is constantly blogging & using Youtube. Also, dude...she's hot.
It is impossible to find a good picture of this girl
Wiley mentioned Laura Marling aggesss ago (seriously, it was like a year and a half ago), so I added her on Myspace & never listened. Well, jokes on me, because Laura is one the most fantastic musicians around today.
Her self-penned, Noah & The Whale backed album is a beautiful collection of songs (poems almost), with wonderful lyricism & brilliant production.
She missed out on the Mercury prize this year (she was robbed!), but I'm sure this is just the start of an amazing career.
This is my fave song of the album (although, it changes everyday):
I think I'm going to marry her. She has a song called "My manic & I", so I think it's meant to be :P
Metronomy are the shit. Let's get that straight, right away. Metronomy was one dude, now it's three. The debut album was nice, but you have got to hear the new LP! Oh My days. Tunes for days. It's catchy as hell, it's funny, it's just amazing!!
Song's like Heartbreaker are just the tip of the Iceberg for these guys, they have so many tunes & you'd be a fool not to check em out! :)
Disney fell off. Yearrsss ago. I think it was The Lion King. But, after that, they never had a classic film. There were signs of brilliant work (Tarzan was decent), but nothing that matched the brilliance of The Sword In The Stone, Basil The Great Mouse Detective or Robin Hood.
Then Pixar came along & saved Disney's ass from the pits of animation Hell. Toy Story changed film &, well, you know the rest...
But even with Pixar showing how it should be done, Disney still couldn't get it right. When they weren't ripping off Pixar badly (Meet The Robinsons), they were ripping off Dreamworks (the Madagascar wannabe The Wild is the most blatant plagiarism I have seen in some time).
But, finally, it looks like they've got it right. I don't want to get too excited being this only the first trailer, but my, this looks special. Travolta is always good, they seem to have kept Miley Cryus' role to a minimum, what's not to like? Plus, that hamster is A-MAZE-ZING.
The cynic in me is a little mad that the subplot's are both borrowed from Pixar films, but I'll forgive it, cos it's nice to finally have Disney back. I've missed it.
First up: if you do not like Q-Tip, we cannot be friends. Leave my blog & never return. A Tribe Called Quest are the reason I got into rap. Without Q-Tip, there would be no B.B. Manik!
Anyway, this is the first single of Tip's upcoming 3rd solo album The Renaissance. Apart from production from Q-Tip himself (one of the most underrated beatsmiths in the game), the album will feature unreleased production from the late J Dilla. It looks to be one of the biggest and best releases of past decade, rap or otherwise, so keep an eye out.
In the meantime, download this & pass it to all your mates. I shouldn't even have to tell you to buy the album when it comes out. You're only cheating yourself if you don't.
Luda tends to get overlooked when it comes to best MC lists, but he's earned his placed amongst raps elite & it's mostly thanks to tunes like this. Chris Brown can do no wrong at the moment & the young singer/rapper may just go the distance & actually be the next Michael Jackson if he keeps this up.
And as for Sean Garrett? It's been a while & it's good to hear his name again :)
Recently, these 3 artists have all popped up on my iPod and made me wonder about their new material. For those who don't know, here's 3 artists that should've been big, but weren't & will hopefully be releasing new material soon:
Fannypack Fannypack's debut self titled album was my sh*t back in the day! Every single tune on the album is a banger. It features skits that are actually funny, jokes bars, brilliant singing & production and tunes that sample everything from Run DMC to the Yeah Yeah Yeahs. Their second album came out in 2005, but was widely ignored. They now have their own label in addition to their deal with Tommy Boy & new material should be surfacing soon, so keep those eyes peeled!
Nikka Costa Nikka has been in show business since she was a child & it shows in her innovative writing style & amazing live shows. She had already released two albums before she met Mark Ronson & had a worldwide hit with "Like A Feather" (still the best beat Ronson has ever done). She's currently working on a new album & is also the face of the new Levi Jeans campaign alongside Wale & Estelle.
Stefy Stefy were formerly known as The Lovely which is where most people remember them from. They became Stefy (named after lead singer Stefy Rae) & scored a worldwide smash with the anthemic "Chelsea". The debut album didn't do as well as it should have & the group are currently working on new material that should see the light of day in '09. Anyone who knows of my personal relationship with Stefy may be reading this article & rolling their eyes, but you'd do well to check out the music of a brilliant band making tunes unlike anything else in the current popular music scene.
I'm currently being featured on Volume 3 of the the 5 volume Masters Of The Universe compilation presented by underground legend Sakura Night. It features some of the hottest talent around on the electronica scene & right now & contains some absolute bangers. You can download the mixtape for free(!) in it's entirety here
Modeling offers, eh? They're like buses. None for ages, then two at once. On the very same day I rocked the Built For Sin gear, I caught a train back down to LDN & did this shoot with the boys, for the homies over at D-Visions Clothing:
Anybody that's actually seen me in person will tell you I don't know the first thingabout fashion. I can't dress to save my life. Good thing then, I am now sponsored by the good folks at Built For Sin Clothing. I'll be rocking their garms in videos & on stage & we're working on a collaboration too.
I was recently invited to the shooting of their latest seasons designs & it was awesome. Amongst the many sights I took in, there was: a lowrider bike, extreme BMXers, girls wearing grillz & a fair bit of female nudity. So, pretty much a perfect day really. Enjoy some behind the scenes goodness & keep ya eyes peeled for an update on the new season: